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Austral Retractaway 40 Plus

When we contact you to arrange an installation time, let us know if you would like to take advantage of any of the following services:


Removal of old clothesline ($55)


Modification of clothesline width to fit space ($20)


Removal of pavers ($20)


Removal of concrete (eg. old rotary clotheslines and ground mount bulbs) ($145)


Ground mount plates for ground mounts to be set on concrete (ask for a price)

Austral Retractaway 40 Plus

  • When we contact you to arrange an installation time, let us know if you would like to take advantage of any of the following services:

    Removal of old clothesline ($55)

    Removal of concrete (eg. old rotary clotheslines and ground mount bulbs beneath the surface) ($145)

    Ground mount plates for ground mounts to be set on concrete/pavers (eg. Austral $190)

    Installation includes FREE width modification (folding frames only) if required. Note depth cannot be modified.

Contact us


15/8 Hurley Street, Canning Vale WA 6155


Our opening hours are (WST)
Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday: 9am - 12 noon

Sundays and Public holidays - Closed


CALL  (08) 9456 1788


© Austwest Outdoors 2024  ABN: 80 140 160 872

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